Thursday, April 4, 2013


  • How to create mandatory profile in server 2012(2k12)?

  • Log on as domain administrator
  • Create user in ADUC (ex:-Rohit)
  • Create Directory in Any Drive & sharing with full permission (Ex:-Profile)
  • Set Roaming profile & Home folder of  Rohit user 
  • Provide allow log on locally right of user  (rohit) & gpupdate /force
  •  Log on user in domain server
  • Change settings administrator according
  • After changing setting log off user & log on administrator again
  • Go to c: drive & open user directory
  • Open rohit (user) directory
  • Click view & click options
  • Click Change &search
  • Click view & select the show hidden files & folder
  • Uncheck hide empty drive
  • Uncheck hide extions
  • uncheck  hide folder & image
  • uncheck hide protected OS file
  • Apply & ok
  • Rename the NTUSER.DAT  to NTUSER.MAN
  • Delete log files
  • Exit the rohit directory
  • Rename the rohit to rohit.v2 & copy the rohit.v2 directory
  • Go to user share folder (Ex:-profile) & open
  • Taking owner ship of rohit.v2 (change owner rohit to administrator)
  • Rename the rohit.v2 directory to rohit.v2.old & paste the rohit.v2 directory
  • Go to c: drive & open users directory rename the rohit.v2 to rohit
  • Log on user in client machine & check the user profile we can show it Mandatory Profile

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