Sunday, March 31, 2013

Server 2008 Active Directory: Adding a Child Domain

1. After you have installed Windows Server 2008 on your new machine and completed all the Initial Configuration Tasks, open up Server Manager and click on the Roles section.
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2. We will need to install the Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS) Role first. So go ahead and check the box next to it and click Next.
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3. In this window you will see some additional information about ADDS. Once ready, click on Next.
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4. As always you are being informed that once the installation is completed the server will restart and you will need to use the ADDS Installation Wizard to make the server a fully functional Domain Controller.
Go ahead and click on the Install button.
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5. The installation will now run for a few minutes.
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6. Now it’s time to click on the link and run dcpromo.exe.
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7. Go ahead and click Next on the welcome screen.
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8. And Next again (for more detailed information on this step you can check out this post onInstalling Active Directory Domain Services on Server 2008).
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9. Since this is going to be your child domain, make sure you select the Existing forest option and then select Create a new domain in an existing forest.
When ready, click on the Next button.
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10. Type in your domain name with the correct internet suffix. In my example I’m are using domain.
Since this domain already exists and you are logged in to this machine only as a local administrator you will also need to enter alternate credentials of a domain administrator in order to proceed.
So go ahead and click on the Set button.
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11. Enter the domain administrator’s name and password, then hit OK.
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12. When ready, click on Next.
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13. In this step you will need to enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of your child domain in two steps.
The first is the FQDN of your parent domain. In our example it is going to be
Next you need to enter the single-label DNS name of your child domain — that means anything that is before the
In my example I entered na for — as seen on the bottom.
That will be our FQDN for the new child domain. Once ready, click on the Next button.
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14. Now it’s time to select a site for this DC.
Now you see why we needed to create the new site before we started this installation. Select the correct site and click Next.
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15. As mentioned earlier we are going to make this DC be our DNS server as well as Global catalog for our new site.
Make sure both check-marks are checked and then click on the Next button.
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16. I would recommend leaving the default locations for these databases unless you have a really good reason not to. Click Next.
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17. In this windows you will need to setup the Directory Services Restore Mode Administrative Password for restore purposes.
Go ahead and type that in and then click on the Next button.
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18. On this summary window double check your selections and when ready click Next.
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19. You can check the box Reboot on completion and let the installation complete.
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Congratulations! Your Child Domain has been created!
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