Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Create New Mailbox in Exchange 7

Creating a mailbox using the Exchange Management Console
*      Open Exchange Management Console
*      Expand Recipient Configuration
*      Click on Mailbox
In the Mailbox pane, click on New Mailbox... (Figure 01)

Figure 01: Creating a new user in the Exchange Management Console
Introduction. We have to choose what kind of object we are creating, in Exchange Server 2007 we have four different mailbox types:

User mailbox: This is a traditional mailbox.

- Resource mailbox: This is a mailbox specifically assigned to Meeting Rooms. Its associated user account will be disabled in Active Directory.

- Equipment mailbox: This is a mailbox specific to resources, (i.e. TV, Projector and so on). As with a Resource mailbox, this kind of mailbox will disable a user in Active Directory.

- Linked Mailbox: This kind of mailbox will be used in environments with multiple forests. This specific feature will be explained in a later article on

In the Introduction window, select the appropriate mailbox type and then click Next to continue. (Figure 02).

Figure 02: Choosing what kind of mailbox will be created
User Type. In the User Type window, we can choose either to create a new user or to assign an existing user to the new mailbox. If we choose to assign it to an existing user, we will have to check if the account does not already have a mailbox associated with it. Click Next to continue (Figure 03).

Figure 03: Creating a new user for a new mailbox
User Information. In the User Information window, we should fill out the personal information of the user and select the Organization Unit where it will be created. After that click on Next (Figure 04).

Figure 04: Filling out the personal user data and OU localization
Mailbox Settings. On the Mailbox Settings page, we can define the mailbox information such as Alias, Mailbox Server, and Mailbox Store where the new mailbox will be located. The policies for Mailbox and ActiveSync can also be defined in this step. We can choose which fields we are going to fill out and then click Next to continue. (Figure 05).

Figure 05: Choosing Server, Storage Group, Mailbox database and policies during the mailbox creation process
New Mailbox. In the New Mailbox window, we will get a summary of all the information that we selected in the previous steps. These parameters will be used by the PowerShell engine for the creation of this mailbox object. To create the mailbox, click on New (Figure 06).

Figure 06: The parameters that will be used in the creation of the new mailbox
Completion. In the Completion window, we will see the cmdlet New-mailbox and the parameters that we used in the creation process of this new mailbox.

Figure 07: The final screen of the New Mailbox Wizard, showing us the cmdlet used in the creation of the mailbox

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