Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How to Connect Router in Windows Vista/ Windows 7

In this post I covered how to use Putty as HyperTerminal in Windows Vista or Windows 7 machines. HyperTerminal is no longer part of Windows Operating systems. There are several options you can use to replace its functionality.

Download Putty:
Download and use open source Putty terminal software. You can get Putty here.

For Laptops:
1.      First install DB 9 to USB converter drivers in your Laptop. Plug in your console cable toCisco router, connect other end to DB9 to USB converter and plug in USB in your Vista or Windows 7 Laptop.
2.      Now, you have to check the communication port (COM port) number from Computer Management (Start –> Control Panel –> Administrative Tools –> Computer Management –> Device Manager and look at Port (COM & LPT).
For Desktops:
3.      Plug in Console cable in Cisco Router or Switch and connect other end in COM 1 or COM 2 port on Desktop machine.
Configure Putty:
4.      Start Putty by double clink on it and configure HyperTerminal settings by visitingCategory-> Connection->Serial from left side.
For Cisco Router or Switch follow below settings:
Bits per Second –> 9600
Data bit –> 8
Parity –> None
Stop bit–> 1
Flow control –> None
Putty Serial Settings
Putty Hyperterminal Settings

Start putty:
6. To start putty  select category-> session ->serial and click on open.
Putty Serial Login
Putty Serial Login

Putty Login

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